MS Thesis Students

Ro, Junghwani

Role: co-advisor at Georgia Institute of Technology with Cedric Pradalier from Robotics.
Advised since: May, 2023
Date of graduation: 2024
Title: Mobile robot-based ultrasonic mechanical structure detection on ship hull.

Yi, Jiawei

Role: co-advisor at Georgia Institute of Technology with Cedric Pradalier from Robotics.
Advised since: Aug, 2021
Date of graduation: April 28, 2022
Title: Mobile robot-based ultrasonic mechanical structure detection on ship hull.

Ridani, Ayoub

Role: co-advisor at Georgia Institute of Technology with Cedric Pradalier from Robotics.
Advised since: Aug, 2020
Date of graduation: Spring, 2021 (May 5, 2021)
Title: On-plate autonomous exploration for an inspection robot using ultrasonic guided waves.

Starbuck, Bryan

Role: co-advisor at Georgia Institute of Technology with Cedric Pradalier from Robotics.
Advised since: Aug, 2020
Date of graduation: April 28, 2021
Title of thesis: Ultra-wideband Localization on Manifolds for Autonomous Metal Structure Inspection.

Godet, Violaine

Role: advisor at EPF, École d’Ingénieur E S, Campus Parisien, 92330, Sceaux, France.
Advised since: June, 2020
Date of graduation: November 5, 2020
Title of thesis: Ultrasonic Nondestructive Evaluation of Plate Structures, (Research at Georgia Tech Lorraine)

Chekkour, Rabii

(co-advisor at ENSAM with Fodil Meraghni)
title: Endommagement et rupture de composants automobiles en pièces en matériaux composites à renfort tissé soumis à des chargements de fatigue
Advised since: February 1, 2019
Date of graduation: July 15 2019

Purwins, David

(pro-deo co-advisor at ENSAM with Fodil Meraghni)
title: Endommagement et rupture de composants automobiles en pièces en matériaux composites à renfort tissé soumis à des chargements de fatigue
Advised since: February 1, 2017
Date of graduation: July 15 2018

Miqoi, Nada

(advisor at ENSAM with Fodil Meraghni)
Advised since: Spring 2017, Since February 1
Date of graduation: July 15 2017
Title of thesis: D‚tection et quantification de l'endommagement post-impactans un mat‚riau composite tiss‚ par les techniques ultrasons bas‚es sur les ondes de surfaces guid‚es

Gerbe, Romain

(advisor at Georgia Tech with Sophie Berveiller at ENSAM and by Louis Satyanarayan at ArcelorMittal)
Advised since: Spring 2016
Date of graduation: July 2016
Title of thesis: Statistical analysis of defect detections in steel plates using ultrasound

Yoder, Maxime

(voluntary co advisor at Ecole des Mines Nancy, Institut Jean Lamour, Universite de Lorraine, France.)
Advised since: Spring 2016
Date of graduation: July 2016
Title of thesis: Acoustis waves in thermic insulators.

Eckel, Sebastian

(co-advisor with Fodil Meraghni at Arts et Metiers ParisTech, Metz, France , Laboratory of Microstructure Studies and Mechanics (LEM3) at Arts et Metiers PartiTech, in collaboration with Georgia Tech and Karslruhe Institute of Technology..)
Advised since: Spring 2015
Date of graduation: January 2016
Title of thesis: Nondestructive damage investigation of composites using nonlinear acoustic methods.
Current position: PhD researcher at Imperial College, London, UK
Indicators of mentorship quality: scientific paper published

Shaw, Anurupa

(advisor at Georgia Tech)
Advised since: Fall 2011
Date of graduation: March 25, 2014
Title of thesis: Ice thickness estimation using low frequencies, and an investigation of diffraction of sound in samples with micro-structures using ultrasound. Committee : Nico F. Declercq (advisor), Massimo Ruzzene (School of Aerospace Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology) and Badreddine Assouar (Institut Jean Lamour, Universite de Lorraine, France).
Current position: PhD student at Femto-ST, Besancon, France
Indicators of mentorship quality: scientific paper published

Nejjar, Ahmed

(co-advisor with Fodil Meraghni at Georgia Tech and at Arts Et M‚tiers ParisTech - ENSAM)
Advised since: Spring 2013, project sponsored by PSA Peugeot Citro‰n (Peugeot S. A.)
Date of graduation: June 2013
Title of thesis: Defects detection in reinforced thermoplastic composites using US techniques (polar Scan and C-Scan) coupled to microscopic observations: Damage tolerance in automotive components

Frisoni, Gatien

(co-advisor with Fodil Meraghni at Georgia Tech and at Arts Et M‚tiers ParisTech - ENSAM)
Advised since: Spring 2013
Date of graduation: June 2013
Title of thesis: Computation of damage induced stiffness reduction using ultrasonic bulk waves measurements in composite materials

Pouzin, Pierre

(co-advisor at Georgia Tech with Annie Bayeul at Ensam, Lille, and Sophie Simonet at Ensam, Lille ; at Technique.)
Advised since: Fall 2012 on project with Thales Avionics ? Vend“me, Service AIC du D‚partement
Date of graduation: December 2012
Title of thesis: Anemom‚try and Conventional Instrumentation

Lemerle, Amelie

(co-advisor with Fodil Meraghni at Georgia Tech and at Arts Et M‚tiers ParisTech - ENSAM)
Advised since: Spring 2012, project sponsored by PSA Peugeot Citro‰n (Peugeot S. A.)
Date of graduation: June 2012
Title of thesis: Damage induction and characterization of fiber reinforced thermoplastic composites

Decaix, Matthieu

(co-advisor with Fodil Meraghni at Georgia Tech and at Arts Et M‚tiers ParisTech - ENSAM)
Advised since: Spring 2012, project sponsored by PSA Peugeot Citro‰n (Peugeot S. A.)
Date of graduation: June 2012
Title of thesis: Damage induction and characterization of fiber reinforced thermoset composites

Delaunay, Amaury

(co-advisor at Georgia Tech with Olivier Gibaru at LSIS - Laboratoire des Sciences de l'Information et des SystŠmes UMR CNRS 6168 and Ludwig Gross at Remote Intervention Technology, Technip)
Advised since: Spring 2012
Date of graduation: June 2012
Title of thesis: INSM - Ing‚nierie Num‚rique des SystŠmes M‚caniques

Djebbar, Alexander

(advisor at Georgia Tech and Ecole Nationale Sup‚rieure d'Arts et M‚tiers)
Advised since: Spring 2010
Date of graduation: June 2010
Title of thesis: internship with Troxler Electronic Laboratories Inc. Advisors: Tudor Balan (ENSAM), R. Troxler (Troxler Electronic Laboratories Inc.) and Nico Declercq (Georgia Tech)

Dewijngaert, Katrien

(advisor at Ghent University, ex-officio co-advised by Prof. Patricia Verleysen because Declercq was PostDoc)
Advised since: Fall 2006
Date of graduation: July 2007
Title of thesis: Thesis title : ?Akoestische filterwerking van periodiek ruwe plafonds? (English: rough ceilings acting as acoustic filters), thesis authors: Vanderhaeghe Katelijn and Dewijngaert Katrien
Indicators of mentorship quality: scientific paper published

Vanderhaeghe, Katelijn

(advisor at Ghent University, ex-officio co-advised by Prof. Patricia Verleysen because Declercq was PostDoc)
Advised since: Fall 2006
Date of graduation: July 2007
Title of thesis: Thesis title : ?Akoestische filterwerking van periodiek ruwe plafonds? (English: rough ceilings acting as acoustic filters), thesis authors: Vanderhaeghe Katelijn and Dewijngaert Katrien
Indicators of mentorship quality: scientific paper published

Vermeulen, Nikolaas

(advisor at Ghent University, ex-officio co-advised by Prof. Patricia Verleysen because Declercq was PostDoc)
Advised since: Fall 2006
Date of graduation: July 2007
Title of thesis: ?Geluidsvoortplanting in gladde en geribbelde tunnels? (English: Sound propagation in smooth and corrugated tunnels). Thesis author(s): Alexei Mamytchenko and Nikolaas Vermeulen

Mamytchenko, Alexei

(advisor at Ghent University, ex-officio co-advised by Prof. Patricia Verleysen because Declercq was PostDoc)
Advised since: Fall 2006
Date of graduation: July 2007
Title of thesis: ?Geluidsvoortplanting in gladde en geribbelde tunnels? (English: Sound propagation in smooth and corrugated tunnels). Thesis author(s): Alexei Mamytchenko and Nikolaas Vermeulen

Dekeyser, Cindy

(advisor at Ghent University, ex-officio co-advised by Prof. Joris Degrieck because Declercq was PhD student)
Advised since: Fall 2005
Date of graduation: July 2006
Title of thesis: ?Hellenistische architectuur : een akoestische diffractiestudie van het theater van Epidaurus? (English: an acoustic diffraction study of the theatre of Epidaurus). Thesis author(s): Cindy Dekeyser
Indicators of mentorship quality: scientific paper published

Sarens, Bart

(advisor at Ghent University, ex-officio co-advised by Prof. Joris Degrieck because Declercq was PhD student)
Advised since: Fall 2005
Date of graduation: July 2006
Title of thesis: Thesis title : ?Simulatie van ultrasone oppervlaktegolven op periodiek gecorrugeerde oppervlakken? (English: a simulation of ultrasonic surface waves on periodically corrugated surfaces). Thesis author(s): Bart Sarens
Indicators of mentorship quality: scientific paper published

Vanleene, Dennis

(advisor at Ghent University, ex-officio co-advised by Prof. Joris Degrieck because Declercq was PhD student)
Advised since: Fall 2005
Date of graduation: July 2006
Title of thesis: Thesis title : ?Optimalisering en gebruik van de ultrasoon opstelling bij het onderzoek naar beschadigde composieten? (English: Optimization and use of ultrasonic setup in the research of damaged composites).Thesis author(s): Dennis Vanleene

Van den Abeele, Filip

(advisor at Ghent University, ex-officio co-advised by Prof. Joris Degrieck because Declercq was PhD student)
Advised since: Fall 2002
Date of graduation: July 2003
Title of thesis: Thesis title : ?Ultrasone karakterisering van de inhoud van vloeistofcontainers? (English: Ultrasonic characterization of the contents of liquid containers). Thesis author(s): Filip Van den Abeele
Indicators of mentorship quality: scientific paper published

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