Impact on Society

a) Promoting Gender Equality and Social Inclusion

Declercq stems from a family where gender equality and inclusion have always been highly regarded. His great-grandfather Ernest Constant Declercq was responsible for the development and promotion in the literary world of Gabrielle Demedts. This girl suffered from polio and has become a renowned poet in Flanders (Belgium). At the same time, all his daughters have taken higher education and become leaders in education, healthcare, and children’s welfare.
Prof Declercq has a similar respectful attitude towards Gender Equality, Social Inclusion, and Racial Inclusion and has a long record of activities in this realm. Although he prefers not to disclose for moral reasons, the institute must know openly. Therefore, the activities are known by Georgia Tech but are not shown here for privacy.

b) Promoting transatlantic mobility for PhD students

European Union PromoDoc Ambassador, term 2012-2013. Promodoc was a project funded by the European Commission (January 2011- December 2013) within the framework of the Erasmus Mundus Action 3 (EM A3) program focusing on the promotion of European higher education at the doctoral level. Promodoc has been supported by Campus France, the German Academic Exchange Service, the British Council, Eurodoc (The European Council of Doctoral Candidates and Junior Researchers), Nuffic (Netherlands organization for international cooperation in higher education) and the Institute of International Education (USA).
c) Selected News Articles as a result of interviews :

c.1) Newspaper Articles reporting on Declercq’s research on the Quetzal echo at Chichen Itza

Nature News (UK) Nature News, Mystery of 'chirping' pyramid decoded Acoustic analysis shows how temple transforms echoes into sounds of nature, 14 December 2004; doi:10.1038/news041213-5, by Philip Ball
USA Today Maya pyramids pose acoustic riddle, by Dan Vergano, 14/11/2010
Die Zeit, (Germany) Wissen Tschirp, tschirp, Wenn die Treppe singt, by Urs Willmann, 05/01/2005
El Universal (Mexicao) El trino de la pirámide de Chichén Itzá, 10/01/2005
Europe Sun Breaking News (Australia) page visited 18/12/2004
Caribbean Herald Breaking Internet News, page visited 18/12/2004
Gazeta (Poland) rezonans w piramidzie majow, 19/12/2004
Hirado (Hungary) Tudomány - Megfejtették a csicserg piramis titkát, 15/12/2004
VTM TV (Belgium) Het Nieuws, Vlaamse Televisie Maatschappij (VTM), 27/01/2005
La Flecha (Spain) LA MÚSICA DE LAS PIEDRAS, El misterio de la pirámide que trina es descodificado, 27/12/2004
Meridiano Scuola (Italy) Piramidi musicali, 20/12/2004
My Press (Japan) , 14/12/2004
Knack (Belgium) Zingende Piramides, 01/02/2005
Radio 1 (Belgium) De Nieuwe Wereld, Radio 1, Friedle Lesage, Lieten de Maya's hun piramiden sjirpen?, 20/12/2004
Onnet La Primera del Pais, (Ecuador) El misterio de la pirámide que trina es descodificado, page visited 29/12/2004
Stern Shortnews (Germany) Das Geheimnis der zwitschernden Pyramide entschlüsselt, 15/12/2004
Szines Mai Lap (Hungary) Eső zuhog és madár énekel a piramisban, page visited 21/12/2004
Ulisse nella rete della scienza (Italy) Casuale l'effetto eco delle piramidi maya, 15/12/2004
Web Sound Russia , page visited 12/01/2005
WFAEN (USA) World Forum for Acoustic Ecology Newsletter, volume 2(1), Mystery of "Chirping" Pyramid Decoded, 02/2005
Wikinews (Germany) Geräusche der Mayapyramiden enträtselt, 14/12/2004
Archeonet Vlaanderen (Belgium) Zingende piramides, 26/01/2005
CanTho (Thailand) Bí m t ti ng chim kęu trong kim t tháp, 27/12/2004, by M.TH O (Theo Nature)
Kompas News (Indonesia) Misteri Suara Hujan di Piramid Maya, Cetak Berita,, 17/12/2004
Ghent University (Belgium) Persbericht Faculteit Toegepaste Wetenschappen, Universiteit Gent, Het geheim van de tsjilpende Maya-piramide ontrafeld, 16/12/2004
Omroep Nederland (Netherlands) Noorderlicht, De piramide die tjilp zegt, vogelecho geen toeval, Omroep Nederland, 15/12/2004
Intellego (Italy) Gli echi della piramide Maya, page visited 06/12/2004
Physics Greece Physics Greece, Mayas El Castillo , , page visited 12/01/2005

c.2) Newspaper Articles reporting on Declercq’s International Dennis Gabor Award

De Standaard (Belgium) Hongaarse prijs voor professor Nico Declercq, 03/11/2006
Het Nieuwsblad (Belgium) Hongaarse prijs voor professor Nico Declercq, 03/11/2006

c.3) Newspaper Articles reporting on Declercq’s research on Epidaurus

Nature (UK) Nature News, Why the Greeks could hear plays from the back row - An ancient theatre filters out low-frequency background noise, Published online: 23 March 2007; | doi:10.1038/news070319-16 , byPhilip Ball
Washington Post (USA) Seating in Ancient Greek Theater Found to Help the Acoustics, 09/04/2007
The Economist (USA) Ancient acoustics, Theatre design - No need to shout, Why the acoustics of ancient Greek theatres are so good, 29/03/2007
Physics Today (UK) Why the Greeks could hear plays from the back row, 24/03/2007
Geotimes (USA) Rocks ring true at Epidaurus , by Megan Server, June 2007
Science Daily (UK) Ancient Greek Amphitheater: Why You Can Hear From Back Row, 06/04/2007
PhysOrg, (USA) Seats helped ancient greeks hear from back row, 04/04/2007
De Standaard (Belgium) Griekse Akoestiek, 04/05/2007, by Bruno Tersago
Knack (Belgium) Belgische wetenschappers onderzoeken akoestiek Griekse theaters, 26/3/2007
Inclasssables Mathematiques (France) Le secret de l'acoustique du théâtre d'Epidaure, 28/06/2007
Het Nieuwsblad (Belgium) Geheim akoestiek amfitheaters ontrafeld, by Marc Vergote, 27/03/2007
Het laatste Nieuws, (Belgium) Vlaamse prof ontrafelt oud akoestisch geheim Theater van Epidaurus dankt perfect geluid aan trappenstructuur, by Stijn Vanderhaeghe, in 2007
Gemeenteblad Deerlijk (Belgium) Deerlijkse Prof. Nico Declercq zorgt voor wereldnieuws, in 2007
De Streekkrant (Belgium) Wetenschappelijk wereldnieuws, Prof. Nico Declercq ontrafelt het geheim van het Griekse amphitheater, in 2007
Kennislink (Netherlands) Griekse akoestiek verklaard , 27/03/2007
Physics University Utrecht (Netherlands) Physics University Utrecht, 32 (Netherlands), Griekse akoestiek verklaard , 05/2007
The Whistle (USA), The Whistle (Georgia Tech, USA), For ancient Greek theater, seating arrangement aided acoustics, 09/04/2007
Archeonet (Belgium) Belgische wetenschappers onderzoeken akoestiek Griekse theaters, 29/03/2007

c.4) Newspaper Articles reporting on Declercq’s acceptance of faculty position in 2006

Het Nieuwsblad (Belgium) Het Nieuwsblad/or Streekkrant Deerlijk (Belgium), Promotie komt erg snel, by MVD 03/03/2006
Kortrijks Handelblad (Belgium) Professor benoemd in Atlanta, by DJW in 2006
Streekkrant (Belgium) Het Nieuwsblad/or Streekkrant Deerlijk (Belgium), Amerikanen slaan Deerlijkse natuurkundige aan de haak, by JPT in 2006

c.5) Newspaper Articles reporting on Declercq’s research on the Raindrop Effect at Chichen Itza

USA Today Dan Vergano, USA TODAY, Posted 11/14/2010 10:30 AM , Maya pyramids pose acoustic riddle
New Scientist (UK) New Scientist 16 September 2009 by Linda Geddes "Mayans 'played' pyramids to make music for rain god , magazine issue 2726, page 12, 2009

c.6) Newspaper Articles reporting on Declercq’s research on Aalto’s library room in Vyborg

Technology Business Journal (USA) Technology Business Journal (VerticalNews, USA), Research on Vibration and Acoustics Reported by Scientists at Georgia Institute of Technology, 08/2011

c.7) Newspaper Articles reporting on Declercq’s participation to congresses

Jaunpur Newspapers and local television Several interviews November 2019.
Jagran Prakashan (India) An interview 05/12/2008
Hindustan Dai Nik (India) An interview 05/12/2008

c.8) Interviews for Student blogs

Anonymous reporter ( An interview 20/07/2016
James ( An interview 23/11/2016

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